"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." Mark Twain

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Thursday 4 December 2014

Take a Fresh Look at Your Website

5 New Ways to Look At Your Website;

1 No new customers ever see your home page. The home-tour analogy doesn't work anymore. So change how you think about your web structure. Where do visitors really arrive? 

2 But the car analogy is good. Your code is under the bonnet. Your designer builds the chassis. Your mobile platform is the wheels and your search technicians are the Sat Nav. Get any one of these wrong on today's roads and your car isn't earning it's keep. You blew your money. 

3 To test-drive a foreign language website, drop some translated pages onto your English site. Just in the Contact and Products section. No need to go mad. Use analytics to see who goes there, from where, how and for how long. Even why. 

4 Hold your judgment of Social Media. Until you run some market tests, just know that you don't know. 

5 Hosting might be invisible but it's not a side issue. It's critical to business success. Off-street parking for your shiny new car. See, Google is like your car insurance man. And your insurance guys love off-street parking.

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